Phreesia to Share Insights about Healthcare Reform at Atlanta Symposium: “The Changing Business of Healthcare”

Physicians will Learn How to Prepare for Changes to Practice Management and Patient Care Landscape

New York, December 2, 2010—While the healthcare reform discussion continues and incremental changes occur, medical practices must prepare for an eventual significant increase in patients, as more Americans obtain healthcare coverage and seek quality care. Dr. Sharon Fleishman, senior manager, clinical products and research at Phreesia, will share her expertise and recommendations about how to prepare for healthcare reform at “The Changing Business of Healthcare: The What, When’s and How’s for 2011.” This educational symposium for physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants will be held today at The Commerce Club in Atlanta.

During the symposium, sponsored by The Physicians Practice S.O.S. Group, Inc., Dr. Fleishman will participate in a panel, moderated by Cheryl Upshaw Eaves, RN, BSN, titled, “Healthcare Reform Panel: Giving you the What, When’s and How’s your practice and your patients will be affected.” The panelists will explore challenges facing physician practices, and how innovative technologies coupled with creative ideas will help clinicians make the changes necessary to adapt to national mandates and increasing patient loads. The panel begins at 2:30 p.m. ET and will conclude with an audience Q&A session.

Dr. Fleishman brings more than 12 years of research and medical experience to her role at Phreesia, and has helped hundreds of medical practitioners more efficiently manage their practices while improving the patient experience. The company’s automated patient check-in solution, the PhreesiaPad, helps improve upon many inefficiencies medical practices face—now and in the future. By replacing the traditional clipboard, Phreesia automatically verifies insurance information and ensures prompt, accurate collections, ultimately improving workflow, better managing patient intake and increasing collections.


Maureen McKinney